Obtain Legal Advice

Before deciding on when to retire, take the time to find out how much money you will need monthly after taxes and insurance to enjoy a comfortable retirement. A well thought out plan that incorporates legal considerations, tax implications, as well as asset maximization for beneficiaries is an important first step. There may even be a unique strategy specifically tailored for your situation, customized specifically for your financial goals and objectives.

Ideally, it should be “quarterbacked” by a knowledgeable professional, and reviewed for changes annually, or if a meaningful event occurs. While every member of your team of professionals may be well-meaning, make sure there is an “experienced quarterback” that not only works with your other specialists but makes sure what needs to be accomplished on your behalf is executed professionally and cost-effectively.

Lineweaver Financial Group is independently owned and operated. Securities offered through Triad Advisors, LLC, Member FINRA / SIPC Advisory services offered through Lineweaver Wealth Advisors, LLC. Lineweaver Wealth Advisors, LLC, is not affiliated with Triad Advisors, LLC.

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